OpenSim Moco  0.4.0
OpenSim::MocoTrack Member List

This is the complete list of members for OpenSim::MocoTrack, including all inherited members.

getDocumentDirectory() constOpenSim::MocoToolprotected
getFilePath(const std::string &file) constOpenSim::MocoToolprotected
initialize() (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
MocoTool() (defined in OpenSim::MocoTool)OpenSim::MocoToolinline
MocoTrack() (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrackinline
OpenSim_DECLARE_OPTIONAL_PROPERTY(initial_time, double, "The start of the time interval. " "All data must start at or before this time. " "(default: earliest time available in all provided data)") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTool)OpenSim::MocoTool
OpenSim_DECLARE_OPTIONAL_PROPERTY(final_time, double, "The end of the time interval. " "All data must end at or after this time. " "(default: latest time available in all provided data)") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTool)OpenSim::MocoTool
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(states_reference, TableProcessor, "States reference data to be tracked. If provided, a " "MocoStateTrackingGoal term is created and added to the internal " "MocoProblem. ") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(states_global_tracking_weight, double, "The weight for the MocoStateTrackingGoal that applies to tracking " "errors for all states in the reference.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(states_weight_set, MocoWeightSet, "A set of tracking weights for individual state variables. The " "weight names should match the names of the column labels in the " "file associated with the 'states_reference' property.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(scale_state_weights_with_range, bool, "Use the range, or the distance between the maximum and minimum " "value, of each reference quantity to scale the weight " "for the associated tracking error in the cost. The scale is " "computed by the inverse of the range, so a reference quantity " "that changes less across the trajectory has a larger weight. ") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(track_reference_position_derivatives, bool, "Option to track the derivative of position-level state reference " "data if no velocity-level state reference data was included in " "the `states_reference`. If velocity-reference reference data was " "provided for some coordinates but not others, this option will " "only " "apply to the coordinates without speed reference data. " "(default: false)") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(markers_reference, TableProcessor, "Motion capture marker reference data to be tracked. The columns " "in " "the table should correspond to scalar x/y/z marker position " "values and the columns labels should have consistent suffixes " "appended to the model marker names. If provided, a " "MocoMarkerTrackingGoal term is created and added to the internal " "MocoProblem.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(markers_global_tracking_weight, double, "The weight for the MocoMarkerTrackingGoal that applies to " "tracking " "errors for all markers in the reference.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(markers_weight_set, MocoWeightSet, "A set of tracking weights for individual marker positions. The " "weight names should match the marker names in the " "file associated with the 'markers_reference' property.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(allow_unused_references, bool, "Allow references to contain data not associated with any " "components " "in the model (such data would be ignored). Default: false.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(guess_file, std::string, "Path to a STO file containing a guess for the problem. The path " "can " "be absolute or relative to the setup file. If no file is " "provided, " "then a guess constructed from the variable bounds midpoints will " "be " "used.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(apply_tracked_states_to_guess, bool, "If a `states_reference` has been provided, use this setting to " "replace the states in the guess with the states reference data. " "This " "will override any guess information provided via `guess_file`.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(minimize_control_effort, bool, "Whether or not to minimize actuator control effort in the problem." "Default: true.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(control_effort_weight, double, "The weight on the control effort minimization cost term, if it " "exists. Default: 0.001") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(mesh_interval, double, "The time duration of each mesh interval " "(default: 0.020 seconds).") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTool)OpenSim::MocoTool
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(clip_time_range, bool, "Set the time range to be 1e-3 shorter on both ends to leave space " "for finite difference estimates (default: false).") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTool)OpenSim::MocoTool
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(model, ModelProcessor, "The musculoskeletal model to use.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoTool)OpenSim::MocoTool
setMarkersReference(TableProcessor markers)OpenSim::MocoTrackinline
setMarkersReferenceFromTRC(const std::string &filename, double lowpassFilterFreq=6.0)OpenSim::MocoTrackinline
setModel(ModelProcessor model) (defined in OpenSim::MocoTool)OpenSim::MocoToolinline
setStatesReference(TableProcessor states)OpenSim::MocoTrackinline
solve(bool visualize=false) (defined in OpenSim::MocoTrack)OpenSim::MocoTrack
updateTimeInfo(const std::string &dataLabel, const double &dataInitial, const double &dataFinal, TimeInfo &info) constOpenSim::MocoToolprotected