OpenSim Moco  0.4.0

This example shows how to define dynamics with an implicit differential equation.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* OpenSim Moco: exampleCustomImplicitAuxiliaryDynamics.cpp *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Copyright (c) 2019 Stanford University and the Authors *
* *
* Author(s): Christopher Dembia *
* *
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may *
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a *
* copy of the License at *
* *
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software *
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, *
* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. *
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and *
* limitations under the License. *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <Moco/osimMoco.h>
using namespace OpenSim;
class MyImplicitAuxiliaryDynamics : public Component {
OpenSim_DECLARE_CONCRETE_OBJECT(MyImplicitAuxiliaryDynamics, Component);
default_foo, double, "Default value of the state variable foo.");
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(foo_dynamics_mode, std::string,
"The dynamics mode for enforcing y y' - 1 = 0. "
"Options: 'explicit' or 'implicit'. Default: 'explicit'. ");
statebounds_foo, SimTK::Vec2, getBoundsFoo, SimTK::Stage::Model);
OpenSim_DECLARE_OUTPUT(implicitresidual_foo, double, getImplicitResidualFoo,
OpenSim_DECLARE_OUTPUT(implicitenabled_foo, bool, getImplicitEnabledFoo,
MyImplicitAuxiliaryDynamics() {
MyImplicitAuxiliaryDynamics(std::string foo_dynamics_mode)
: MyImplicitAuxiliaryDynamics() {
SimTK::Vec2 getBoundsFoo(const SimTK::State&) const {
return SimTK::Vec2(0, 3);
// This function requires a state parameter because we use it in an Output;
// however, we don't actually need the state.
bool getImplicitEnabledFoo(const SimTK::State&) const { return true; }
// We use "residual" to refer to the value of the implicit differential
// equation function f(y, y') = y y' - 1.
double getImplicitResidualFoo(const SimTK::State& s) const {
// If the dynamics mode is not implicit, then this function should not
// be invoked, so we return NaN.
if (!m_foo_dynamics_mode_implicit) { return SimTK::NaN; }
if (!isCacheVariableValid(s, "implicitresidual_foo")) {
// Get the derivative control value.
const double derivative =
getDiscreteVariableValue(s, "implicitderiv_foo");
// Get the state variable value.
const double statevar = getStateVariableValue(s, "foo");
// The dynamics residual: y y' - 1 = 0.
double residual = derivative * statevar - 1;
// Update the cache variable with the residual value.
setCacheVariableValue(s, "implicitresidual_foo", residual);
markCacheVariableValid(s, "implicitresidual_foo");
return getCacheVariableValue<double>(s, "implicitresidual_foo");
void extendFinalizeFromProperties() override {
OPENSIM_THROW_IF_FRMOBJ(get_foo_dynamics_mode() != "implicit" &&
get_foo_dynamics_mode() != "explicit",
format("Expected foo_dynamics_mode to be 'implicit' or "
"'explicit', but got '%s'.",
m_foo_dynamics_mode_implicit = get_foo_dynamics_mode() == "implicit";
void extendInitStateFromProperties(SimTK::State& s) const override {
setStateVariableValue(s, "foo", get_default_foo());
void extendSetPropertiesFromState(const SimTK::State& s) override {
set_default_foo(getStateVariableValue(s, "foo"));
void computeStateVariableDerivatives(const SimTK::State& s) const override {
if (m_foo_dynamics_mode_implicit) {
// In implicit mode, the state variable derivative is the value
// of the discrete variable. We must set this for Moco to solve the
// problem correctly.
const double derivative =
getDiscreteVariableValue(s, "implicitderiv_foo");
setStateVariableDerivativeValue(s, "foo", derivative);
} else {
const double statevar = getStateVariableValue(s, "foo");
setStateVariableDerivativeValue(s, "foo", 1.0 / statevar);
void extendAddToSystem(SimTK::MultibodySystem& system) const override {
addDiscreteVariable("implicitderiv_foo", SimTK::Stage::Dynamics);
"implicitresidual_foo", double(0), SimTK::Stage::Dynamics);
bool m_foo_dynamics_mode_implicit;
int main() {
try {
double finalFooManager;
double finalFooMoco;
// Simulate the differential equation in explicit mode using one of
// OpenSim's time-stepping integrators.
Model model;
model.addComponent(new MyImplicitAuxiliaryDynamics("explicit"));
SimTK::State state = model.initSystem();
model.setStateVariableValue(state, "/implicit_auxdyn/foo", 1.0);
Manager manager(model, state);
state = manager.integrate(1.0);
finalFooManager =
model.getStateVariableValue(state, "/implicit_auxdyn/foo");
// Simulate the differential equation in implicit mode using Moco.
// Here, we use Moco to solve an initial value problem, not an optimal
// control problem (there is no objective).
MocoStudy study;
auto& problem = study.updProblem();
auto model = OpenSim::make_unique<Model>();
model->addComponent(new MyImplicitAuxiliaryDynamics("implicit"));
problem.setTimeBounds(0, 1.0);
problem.setStateInfo("/implicit_auxdyn/foo", {0, 3}, 1.0);
MocoSolution solution = study.solve();
const int N = solution.getNumTimes();
finalFooMoco = solution.getStatesTrajectory().getElt(N - 1, 0);
std::cout << "Final foo with Manager: " << finalFooManager << "\n"
<< "Final foo with Moco: " << finalFooMoco << std::endl;
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
} catch (...) { return EXIT_FAILURE; }