OpenSim Moco
This is the complete list of members for OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver, including all inherited members.
constructProperties() (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | protected |
MocoDirectCollocationSolver() (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | inline |
MocoSolver()=default (defined in OpenSim::MocoSolver) | OpenSim::MocoSolver | |
MocoSolver(const MocoProblem &problem) | OpenSim::MocoSolver | explicit |
OpenSim_DECLARE_LIST_PROPERTY(mesh, double, "Usually non-uniform, user-defined list of mesh points to sample. " "Takes precedence over uniform mesh with num_mesh_intervals.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | protected |
OpenSim_DECLARE_OPTIONAL_PROPERTY(enforce_constraint_derivatives, bool, "'true' (default) or 'false', whether or not derivatives of " "kinematic constraints are enforced as path constraints in the " "optimal control problem.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(num_mesh_intervals, int, "The number of uniformly-sized mesh intervals for the problem " "(default: " "100). If a non-uniform mesh exists, the non-uniform mesh is used " "instead.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(verbosity, int, "0 for silent. 1 for only Moco's own output. " "2 for output from CasADi and the underlying solver (default: 2).") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(transcription_scheme, std::string, "'trapezoidal' for trapezoidal transcription, or 'hermite-simpson' " "(default) for separated Hermite-Simpson transcription.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(interpolate_control_midpoints, bool, "If the transcription scheme is set to 'hermite-simpson', then " "enable this property to constrain the control values at mesh " "interval midpoints to be linearly interpolated from the control " "values at the mesh interval endpoints. Default: true.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(multibody_dynamics_mode, std::string, "Multibody dynamics are expressed as 'explicit' (default) or " "'implicit' differential equations.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(optim_solver, std::string, "The optimization solver to use (default: ipopt).") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(optim_max_iterations, int, "Maximum number of iterations in the optimization solver " "(-1 for solver's default).") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(optim_convergence_tolerance, double, "Tolerance used to determine if the objective is minimized " "(-1 for solver's default)") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(optim_constraint_tolerance, double, "Tolerance used to determine if the constraints are satisfied " "(-1 for solver's default)") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(optim_hessian_approximation, std::string, "When using IPOPT, 'limited-memory' (default) for quasi-Newton, or " "'exact' for full " "Newton.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(optim_ipopt_print_level, int, "IPOPT's verbosity (see IPOPT documentation).") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(minimize_lagrange_multipliers, bool, "If enabled, a term minimizing the weighted, squared sum of " "any existing Lagrange multipliers is added to the optimal control " "problem. This may be useful for imposing uniqueness in the " "Lagrange multipliers when not enforcing model kinematic " "constraint derivatives or when the constraint Jacobian is " "singular. To set the weight for this term use the " "'lagrange_multiplier_weight' property. Default: false") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(lagrange_multiplier_weight, double, "If the 'minimize_lagrange_multipliers' property is enabled, this " "defines the weight for the cost term added to the optimal control " "problem. Default: 1") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(velocity_correction_bounds, MocoBounds, "For problems where model kinematic constraint derivatives are " "enforced, set the bounds on the slack variables performing the " "velocity correction to project the model coordinates back onto " "the constraint manifold. Default: [-0.1, 0.1]") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(implicit_multibody_acceleration_bounds, MocoBounds, "Bounds on acceleration variables in implicit dynamics mode. " "Default: [-1000, 1000]") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(implicit_auxiliary_derivative_bounds, MocoBounds, "Bounds on derivative variables for components with auxiliary " "dynamics in implicit form. Default: [-1000, 1000]") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
OpenSim_DECLARE_PROPERTY(guess_file, std::string, "A MocoTrajectory file storing an initial guess.") (defined in OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | protected |
setMesh(const std::vector< double > &mesh) | OpenSim::MocoDirectCollocationSolver | |
~MocoSolver()=default (defined in OpenSim::MocoSolver) | OpenSim::MocoSolver | virtual |