OpenSim Moco  0.2.0
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
OpenSim Namespace Reference

The utilities in this file are categorized as follows: More...


class  AccelerationMotion
 This class is a thin wrapper to Simbody's SimTK::Motion for prescribing the acceleration of all degrees of freedom (UDot), and is used when enforcing dynamics using implicit differential equations (UDot is supplied by the solver, not by Simbody). More...
class  AckermannVanDenBogert2010Force
 This class is still under development. More...
class  ActivationCoordinateActuator
 Similar to CoordinateActuator (simply produces a generalized force) but with first-order linear activation dynamics. More...
class  DeGrooteFregly2016Muscle
 This muscle model was published in De Groote et al. More...
class  DiscreteForces
 This class is a thin wrapper to Simbody's SimTK::Force::DiscreteForces class. More...
class  EspositoMiller2018Force
 This contact model uses a continuous equation to transition between in and out of contact. More...
class  FileDeletionThrower
 This class helps a user cause an exception within the code. More...
class  FileDeletionThrowerException
 Thrown by FileDeletionThrower::throwIfDeleted(). More...
struct  make_printable_return
 Return type for make_printable() More...
struct  make_printable_return< std::string >
 Specialization for std::string. More...
class  MeyerFregly2016Force
 This contact model is from the following paper: Meyer A. More...
class  MocoAccelerationTrackingGoal
 The squared difference between a model frame origin's linear acceleration and a reference acceleration value, summed over the frames for which a reference is provided, and integrated over the phase. More...
class  MocoAngularVelocityTrackingGoal
 The squared difference between a model frame's angular velocity and a reference angular velocity value, summed over the frames for which a reference is provided, and integrated over the phase. More...
class  MocoAverageSpeedGoal
 This goal requires the average speed of the system to match a desired average speed. More...
class  MocoBounds
 Small struct to handle bounds. More...
class  MocoCasADiSolver
 This solver uses the CasADi library ( to convert the MocoProblem into a generic nonlinear programming problem. More...
class  MocoCasOCProblem
 This class is the bridge between CasOC::Problem and MocoProblemRep. More...
class  MocoConstraintInfo
 Information for a given constraint in the optimal control problem. More...
class  MocoControlBoundConstraint
 This class constrains any number of control signals from ScalarActautors to be between two time-based functions. More...
class  MocoControlGoal
 Minimize the sum of the absolute value of the controls raised to a given exponent, integrated over the phase. More...
class  MocoControlTrackingGoal
 The squared difference between a control variable value and a reference control variable value, summed over the control variables for which a reference is provided, and integrated over the phase. More...
class  MocoDirectCollocationSolver
 This is a base class for solvers that use direct collocation to convert an optimal control problem into a generic nonlinear programming problem. More...
class  MocoFinalBounds
 Used for specifying the bounds on a variable at the end of a phase. More...
class  MocoFinalTimeGoal
 Endpoint cost for final time. More...
class  MocoFrameDistanceConstraint
 This path constraint enforces that the distance between the origins of pairs of model frames is kept between minimum and maximum bounds. More...
class  MocoFrameDistanceConstraintPair
class  MocoGoal
 A goal is term in the cost functional to be minimized, or a set of endpoint constraints that must lie within provided bounds. More...
class  MocoInitialActivationGoal
 For all muscles with activation dynamics, the initial activation and initial excitation should be the same. More...
class  MocoInitialBounds
 Used for specifying the bounds on a variable at the start of a phase. More...
class  MocoInitialForceEquilibriumGoal
 For all Muscle components with explicit tendon compliance dynamics, constrain (or minimize) the error computed from the muscle-tendon force equilibrium equation. More...
class  MocoInitialVelocityEquilibriumDGFGoal
 For DeGrooteFregly2016Muscle components with implicit tendon compliance dynamics, the initial tendon and fiber velocities are determined based the derivative of the linearized muscle-tendon equilibrium equation described in Millard et al. More...
class  MocoInverse
 This tool solves problems in which the kinematics are prescribed and you seek the actuator (e.g., muscle) behavior that may have given rise to the provided kinematics. More...
class  MocoInverseSolution
 This class holds the solution from MocoInverse. More...
class  MocoJointReactionGoal
 Minimize the sum of squares of specified reaction moment and force measures for a given joint, integrated over the phase. More...
class  MocoKinematicConstraint
 A model kinematic constraint to be enforced in the optimal control problem. More...
class  MocoMarkerFinalGoal
 The squared distance between a single model point location and reference location in the final state. More...
class  MocoMarkerTrackingGoal
 The squared difference between a model marker location and an experimental reference marker location, summed over the markers for which an experimental data location is provided, and integrated over the phase. More...
class  MocoOrientationTrackingGoal
 The squared difference between a model frame's orientation and a reference orientation value, summed over the frames for which a reference is provided, and integrated over the phase. More...
class  MocoOutputGoal
 This goal allows you to use any (double, or scalar) Output in the model as the integrand of a goal. More...
class  MocoParameter
 A MocoParameter allows you to optimize property values in an OpenSim Model. More...
class  MocoPathConstraint
 A path constraint to be enforced in the optimal control problem. More...
class  MocoPeriodicityGoal
 This goal enforces equality between initial and final variable values in the optimal control problem. More...
class  MocoPeriodicityGoalPair
 Create pair of variables for use with a MocoPeriodicityGoal. More...
class  MocoPhase
 The states, controls, dynamics, parameters, goals, and constraints for a phase of the problem. More...
class  MocoProblem
 A description of an optimal control problem, backed by OpenSim Models. More...
class  MocoProblemInfo
 This class is mostly for internal use for MocoProblemRep to pass select information about a problem to the MocoGoals and MocoPathConstraints of the problem during initializeOnModel(). More...
class  MocoProblemRep
 The primary intent of this class is for use by MocoSolvers, but users can also use this class to apply parameter values to the model and evaluate cost terms. More...
class  MocoSolution
 Return type for MocoStudy::solve(). More...
class  MocoSolver
 Once the solver is created, you should not make any edits to the MocoProblem. More...
class  MocoStateTrackingGoal
 The squared difference between a state variable value and a reference state variable value, summed over the state variables for which a reference is provided, and integrated over the phase. More...
class  MocoStudy
 The top-level class for solving a custom optimal control problem. More...
class  MocoSumSquaredStateGoal
 Minimize the sum of squared states, integrated over the phase. More...
class  MocoTool
 This is a base class for solving problems that depend on an observed motion using Moco's optimal control methods. More...
class  MocoTrack
class  MocoTrajectory
 The values of the variables in an optimal control problem. More...
class  MocoTrajectoryIsSealed
 This exception is thrown if you try to invoke most methods on MocoTrajectory while the trajectory is sealed. More...
class  MocoTranslationTrackingGoal
 The squared difference between a model frame's origin position and a reference position value, summed over the frames for which a reference is provided, and integrated over the phase. More...
class  MocoTropterSolver
 Solve the MocoProblem using the tropter direct collocation library. More...
class  MocoTropterSolverNotAvailable
class  MocoVariableInfo
 Bounds on continuous variables (states, controls, multipliers, etc). More...
class  MocoWeight
 This class contains a single property that holds a weighting factor to be used in a MocoGoal. More...
class  MocoWeightSet
 A container for Moco weights. More...
class  ModelFactory
 This class provides utilities for creating OpenSim models. More...
class  ModelOperator
 This abstract base class describes any operation that modifies a Model as part of a ModelProcessor. More...
class  ModelProcessor
 This class describes a workflow for processing a Model using ModelOperators. More...
class  ModOpAddExternalLoads
 Add external loads (e.g., ground reaction forces) to the model from a XML file. More...
class  ModOpAddReserves
 Add reserve actuators to the model using ModelFactory::createReserveActuators. More...
class  ModOpFiberDampingDGF
 Set the fiber damping for all DeGrooteFregly2016Muscles in the model. More...
class  ModOpIgnoreActivationDynamics
 Turn off activation dynamics for all muscles in the model. More...
class  ModOpIgnorePassiveFiberForcesDGF
 Turn off passive fiber forces for all DeGrooteFregly2016Muscles in the model. More...
class  ModOpIgnoreTendonCompliance
 Turn off tendon compliance for all muscles in the model. More...
class  ModOpRemoveMuscles
 Remove all muscles contained in the model's ForceSet. More...
class  ModOpReplaceJointsWithWelds
class  ModOpReplaceMusclesWithDeGrooteFregly2016
 Invoke DeGrooteFregly2016Muscle::replaceMuscles() on the model. More...
class  ModOpScaleActiveFiberForceCurveWidthDGF
 Scale the active fiber force curve width for all DeGrooteFregly2016Muscles in the model. More...
class  ModOpScaleMaxIsometricForce
 Scale the max isometric force for all muscles in the model. More...
class  ModOpTendonComplianceDynamicsModeDGF
 For DeGrooteFregly2016Muscle muscles whose 'ignore_tendon_compliance' property is false, set the tendon compliance dynamics mode to either 'explicit' or 'implicit'. More...
class  ModOpUseImplicitTendonComplianceDynamicsDGF
 Set the tendon compliance dynamics mode to "implicit" for all DeGrooteFregly2016Muscles in the model. More...
class  MultivariatePolynomialFunction
class  PositionMotion
 This class prescribes the value, speed, and acceleration of all coordinates in the model using SimTK::Motion. More...
class  SimTKMultivariatePolynomial
class  SmoothSphereHalfSpaceForce
class  StationPlaneContactForce
 This class models compliant point contact with a ground plane y=0. More...
class  Stopwatch
 Record and report elapsed real time ("clock" or "wall" time) in seconds. More...
class  StreamFormat
 This class stores the formatting of a stream and restores that format when the StreamFormat is destructed. More...
class  TableOperator
 This abstract class describes any operation that consumes a modifies a TimeSeriesTable as part of a TableProcessor. More...
class  TableProcessor
 This class describes a workflow for processing a table using TableOperators. More...
class  TabOpLowPassFilter
 Apply a low-pass filter to the trajectory. More...
class  TabOpUseAbsoluteStateNames
 Update table column labels to use post-4.0 state paths instead of pre-4.0 state names. More...
class  ThreadsafeJar
 This class lets you store objects of a single type for reuse by multiple threads, ensuring threadsafe access to each of those objects. More...


using VectorDM = std::vector< casadi::DM >


enum  KinematicLevel {
  Position, DtPosition, Velocity, DtDtPosition,
  DtVelocity, Acceleration
 The kinematic level for a scalar kinematic constraint within a MocoKinematicConstraint. More...


OSIMMOCO_API std::string GetMocoVersionAndDate ()
OSIMMOCO_API std::string GetMocoVersion ()
CasOC::Bounds convertBounds (const MocoBounds &mb)
CasOC::Bounds convertBounds (const MocoInitialBounds &mb)
CasOC::Bounds convertBounds (const MocoFinalBounds &mb)
casadi::DM convertToCasADiDMTranspose (const SimTK::Matrix &simtkMatrix)
 This converts a SimTK::Matrix to a casadi::DM matrix, transposing the data in the process.
template<typename T >
casadi::DM convertToCasADiDMTemplate (const T &simtk)
casadi::DM convertToCasADiDMTranspose (const SimTK::RowVector &simtkRV)
 This converts a SimTK::RowVector to a casadi::DM column vector.
casadi::DM convertToCasADiDM (const SimTK::Vector &simtkVec)
 This converts a SimTK::Vector to a casadi::DM column vector.
CasOC::Iterate convertToCasOCIterate (const MocoTrajectory &mocoIt)
 This resamples the iterate to obtain values that lie on the mesh.
template<typename VectorType = SimTK::Vector>
VectorType convertToSimTKVector (const casadi::DM &casVector)
SimTK::Matrix convertToSimTKMatrix (const casadi::DM &casMatrix)
 This converts a casadi::DM matrix to a SimTK::Matrix, transposing the data in the process.
template<typename TOut = MocoTrajectory>
TOut convertToMocoTrajectory (const CasOC::Iterate &casIt)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
std::unique_ptr< T > make_unique (Args &&... args)
 Since Moco does not require C++14 (which contains std::make_unique()), here is an implementation of make_unique().
OSIMMOCO_API std::string getMocoFormattedDateTime (bool appendMicroseconds=false, std::string format="%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S")
 Get a string with the current date and time formatted as Y-m-dTHMS (year, month, day, "T", hour, minute, second). More...
bool startsWith (const std::string &string, const std::string &start)
 Determine if string starts with the substring start. More...
bool endsWith (const std::string &string, const std::string &ending)
 Determine if string ends with the substring ending. More...
OSIMMOCO_API SimTK::Vector createVectorLinspace (int length, double start, double end)
 Create a SimTK::Vector with the provided length whose elements are linearly spaced between start and end.
OSIMMOCO_API SimTK::Vector createVector (std::initializer_list< SimTK::Real > elements)
 Create a SimTK::Vector using modern C++ syntax.
OSIMMOCO_API SimTK::Vector interpolate (const SimTK::Vector &x, const SimTK::Vector &y, const SimTK::Vector &newX, const bool ignoreNaNs=false)
 Linearly interpolate y(x) at new values of x. More...
template<typename FunctionType >
std::unique_ptr< FunctionSet > createFunctionSet (const TimeSeriesTable &table)
std::unique_ptr< FunctionSet > createFunctionSet< GCVSpline > (const TimeSeriesTable &table)
template<typename TimeVector , typename FunctionType = GCVSpline>
TimeSeriesTable resample (const TimeSeriesTable &in, const TimeVector &newTime)
 Resample (interpolate) the table at the provided times. More...
OSIMMOCO_API Storage convertTableToStorage (const TimeSeriesTable &)
 Create a Storage from a TimeSeriesTable. More...
OSIMMOCO_API void updateStateLabels40 (const Model &model, std::vector< std::string > &labels)
 Update a vector of state labels (in place) to use post-4.0 state paths instead of pre-4.0 state names. More...
OSIMMOCO_API TimeSeriesTable filterLowpass (const TimeSeriesTable &table, double cutoffFreq, bool padData=false)
 Lowpass filter the data in a TimeSeriesTable at a provided cutoff frequency. More...
OSIMMOCO_API void writeTableToFile (const TimeSeriesTable &, const std::string &)
 Write a single TimeSeriesTable to a file, using the FileAdapter associated with the provided file extension.
OSIMMOCO_API void visualize (Model, Storage)
 Play back a motion (from the Storage) in the simbody-visuailzer. More...
OSIMMOCO_API void visualize (Model, TimeSeriesTable)
 This function is the same as visualize(Model, Storage), except that the states are provided in a TimeSeriesTable.
template<typename T >
TimeSeriesTable_< T > analyze (Model model, const MocoTrajectory &trajectory, std::vector< std::string > outputPaths)
 Calculate the requested outputs using the model in the problem and the states and controls in the MocoTrajectory. More...
OSIMMOCO_API void prescribeControlsToModel (const MocoTrajectory &trajectory, Model &model, std::string functionType="GCVSpline")
 Given a MocoTrajectory and the associated OpenSim model, return the model with a prescribed controller appended that will compute the control values from the MocoSolution. More...
OSIMMOCO_API MocoTrajectory simulateTrajectoryWithTimeStepping (const MocoTrajectory &trajectory, Model model, double integratorAccuracy=-1)
 Use the controls and initial state in the provided trajectory to simulate the model using an ODE time stepping integrator (OpenSim::Manager), and return the resulting states and controls. More...
OSIMMOCO_API std::vector< std::string > createStateVariableNamesInSystemOrder (const Model &model)
 The map provides the index of each state variable in SimTK::State::getY() from its each state variable path string. More...
OSIMMOCO_API std::vector< std::string > createStateVariableNamesInSystemOrder (const Model &model, std::unordered_map< int, int > &yIndexMap)
 Same as above, but you can obtain a map from the returned state variable names to the index in SimTK::State::getY() that accounts for empty slots in Y.
OSIMMOCO_API std::unordered_map< std::string, int > createSystemYIndexMap (const Model &model)
 The map provides the index of each state variable in SimTK::State::getY() from its state variable path string.
OSIMMOCO_API std::vector< std::string > createControlNamesFromModel (const Model &model, std::vector< int > &modelControlIndices)
 Create a vector of control names based on the actuators in the model for which appliesForce == True. More...
OSIMMOCO_API std::vector< std::string > createControlNamesFromModel (const Model &model)
 Same as above, but when there is no mapping to the modelControlIndices.
OSIMMOCO_API std::unordered_map< std::string, int > createSystemControlIndexMap (const Model &model)
 The map provides the index of each control variable in the SimTK::Vector return by OpenSim::Model::getControls() from its control name.
OSIMMOCO_API void checkOrderSystemControls (const Model &model)
 Throws an exception if the order of the controls in the model is not the same as the order of the actuators in the model.
OSIMMOCO_API void checkRedundantLabels (std::vector< std::string > labels)
 Throws an exception if the same label appears twice in the list of labels. More...
OSIMMOCO_API void checkLabelsMatchModelStates (const Model &model, const std::vector< std::string > &labels)
 Throws an exception if any label in the provided list does not match any state variable names in the model.
template<typename T = double>
std::vector< SimTK::ReferencePtr< const Output< T > > > getModelOutputReferencePtrs (const Component &component, const std::string &pattern, bool includeDescendents=false)
 Get a list of reference pointers to all outputs whose names (not paths) match a substring defined by a provided regex string pattern. More...
OSIMMOCO_API MocoTrajectory createPeriodicTrajectory (const MocoTrajectory &halfPeriodTrajectory, std::vector< std::string > addPatterns={".*pelvis_tx/value"}, std::vector< std::string > negatePatterns={ ".*pelvis_list(?!/value).*", ".*pelvis_rotation(?!/value).*", ".*pelvis_tz(?!/value).*", ".*lumbar_bending(?!/value).*", ".*lumbar_rotation(?!/value).*"}, std::vector< std::string > negateAndShiftPatterns={ ".*pelvis_list/value", ".*pelvis_rotation/value", ".*pelvis_tz/value", ".*lumbar_bending/value", ".*lumbar_rotation/value"}, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string >> symmetryPatterns={{R"(_r(\/|_|$))", "_l$1"}, {R"(_l(\/|_|$))", "_r$1"}})
 Convert a trajectory covering half the period of a symmetric motion into a trajectory over the full period. More...
template<typename T >
void checkPropertyInSet (const Object &obj, const Property< T > &p, const std::set< T > &set)
 Throw an exception if the property's value is not in the provided set. More...
template<typename T >
void checkPropertyIsPositive (const Object &obj, const Property< T > &p)
 Throw an exception if the property's value is not positive. More...
template<typename T >
void checkPropertyInRangeOrSet (const Object &obj, const Property< T > &p, const T &lower, const T &upper, const std::set< T > &set)
 Throw an exception if the property's value is neither in the provided range nor in the provided set. More...
OSIMMOCO_API int getMocoParallelEnvironmentVariable ()
 This obtains the value of the OPENSIM_MOCO_PARALLEL environment variable. More...
OSIMMOCO_API TimeSeriesTable createExternalLoadsTableForGait (Model model, const MocoTrajectory &trajectory, const std::vector< std::string > &forceNamesRightFoot, const std::vector< std::string > &forceNamesLeftFoot)
 Obtain the ground reaction forces, centers of pressure, and torques resulting from Force elements (e.g., SmoothSphereHalfSpaceForce), using the model and the trajectory. More...
Filling in a string with variables.
template<typename T >
make_printable_return< T >::type make_printable (const T &x)
 Convert to types that can be printed with sprintf() (vsnprintf()). More...
make_printable_return< std::string >::type make_printable (const std::string &x)
 Specialization for std::string.
OSIMMOCO_API std::string format_c (const char *,...)
 Format a char array using (C interface; mainly for internal use).
template<typename... Types>
std::string format (const std::string &formatString, Types... args)
 Format a string in the style of sprintf. More...
template<typename... Types>
void printMessage (const std::string &formatString, Types... args)
 Print a formatted string to std::cout. More...

Detailed Description

The utilities in this file are categorized as follows:

The Moco interface is contained within the OpenSim namespace.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ KinematicLevel

The kinematic level for a scalar kinematic constraint within a MocoKinematicConstraint.

Each scalar constraint is automatically assigned a KinematicLevel enum value when a MocoKinematicConstraint is instantiated.

Function Documentation

◆ updateStateLabels40()

OSIMMOCO_API void OpenSim::updateStateLabels40 ( const Model &  model,
std::vector< std::string > &  labels 

Update a vector of state labels (in place) to use post-4.0 state paths instead of pre-4.0 state names.

For example, this converts labels as follows:

  • pelvis_tilt -> /jointset/ground_pelvis/pelvis_tilt/value
  • pelvis_tilt_u -> /jointset/ground_pelvis/pelvis_tilt/speed
  • soleus.activation -> /forceset/soleus/activation
  • soleus.fiber_length -> /forceset/soleus/fiber_length This can also be used to update the column labels of an Inverse Kinematics Tool solution MOT file so that the data can be used as states. If a label does not identify a state in the model, the column label is not changed.
    Exceptionif labels are not unique.