OpenSim Moco  0.4.0
Classes | Functions
Generic utilities

Utilities for parallelism, strings, date/time, and error-checking. More...


class  OpenSim::Stopwatch
 Record and report elapsed real time ("clock" or "wall" time) in seconds. More...
class  OpenSim::ThreadsafeJar< T >
 This class lets you store objects of a single type for reuse by multiple threads, ensuring threadsafe access to each of those objects. More...
class  OpenSim::FileDeletionThrowerException
 Thrown by FileDeletionThrower::throwIfDeleted(). More...
class  OpenSim::FileDeletionThrower
 This class helps a user cause an exception within the code. More...


template<typename T , typename... Args>
std::unique_ptr< T > OpenSim::make_unique (Args &&... args)
 Since Moco does not require C++14 (which contains std::make_unique()), here is an implementation of make_unique().
OSIMMOCO_API std::string OpenSim::getMocoFormattedDateTime (bool appendMicroseconds=false, std::string format="%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S")
 Get a string with the current date and time formatted as Y-m-dTHMS (year, month, day, "T", hour, minute, second). More...
bool OpenSim::startsWith (const std::string &string, const std::string &start)
 Determine if string starts with the substring start. More...
bool OpenSim::endsWith (const std::string &string, const std::string &ending)
 Determine if string ends with the substring ending. More...
OSIMMOCO_API std::string OpenSim::getAbsolutePathnameFromXMLDocument (const std::string &documentFileName, const std::string &pathnameRelativeToDocument)
 An OpenSim XML file may contain file paths that are relative to the directory containing the XML file; use this function to convert that relative path into an absolute path.
template<typename T >
void OpenSim::checkPropertyInSet (const Object &obj, const Property< T > &p, const std::set< T > &set)
 Throw an exception if the property's value is not in the provided set. More...
template<typename T >
void OpenSim::checkPropertyIsPositive (const Object &obj, const Property< T > &p)
 Throw an exception if the property's value is not positive. More...
template<typename T >
void OpenSim::checkPropertyInRangeOrSet (const Object &obj, const Property< T > &p, const T &lower, const T &upper, const std::set< T > &set)
 Throw an exception if the property's value is neither in the provided range nor in the provided set. More...
OSIMMOCO_API int OpenSim::getMocoParallelEnvironmentVariable ()
 This obtains the value of the OPENSIM_MOCO_PARALLEL environment variable. More...
OSIMMOCO_API SimTK::Real OpenSim::solveBisection (std::function< double(const double &)> calcResidual, double left, double right, const double &tolerance=1e-6, int maxIterations=1000)
 Solve for the root of a scalar function using the bisection method. More...

Detailed Description

Utilities for parallelism, strings, date/time, and error-checking.

Function Documentation

◆ checkPropertyInRangeOrSet()

template<typename T >
void OpenSim::checkPropertyInRangeOrSet ( const Object &  obj,
const Property< T > &  p,
const T &  lower,
const T &  upper,
const std::set< T > &  set 

Throw an exception if the property's value is neither in the provided range nor in the provided set.

We assume that p is a single-value property.

◆ checkPropertyInSet()

template<typename T >
void OpenSim::checkPropertyInSet ( const Object &  obj,
const Property< T > &  p,
const std::set< T > &  set 

Throw an exception if the property's value is not in the provided set.

We assume that p is a single-value property.

◆ checkPropertyIsPositive()

template<typename T >
void OpenSim::checkPropertyIsPositive ( const Object &  obj,
const Property< T > &  p 

Throw an exception if the property's value is not positive.

We assume that p is a single-value property.

◆ endsWith()

bool OpenSim::endsWith ( const std::string &  string,
const std::string &  ending 

◆ getMocoFormattedDateTime()

OSIMMOCO_API std::string OpenSim::getMocoFormattedDateTime ( bool  appendMicroseconds = false,
std::string  format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S" 

Get a string with the current date and time formatted as Y-m-dTHMS (year, month, day, "T", hour, minute, second).

You can change the datetime format via the format parameter. If you specify "ISO", then we use the ISO 8601 extended datetime format Y-m-dTH:M:S. See

◆ getMocoParallelEnvironmentVariable()

OSIMMOCO_API int OpenSim::getMocoParallelEnvironmentVariable ( )

This obtains the value of the OPENSIM_MOCO_PARALLEL environment variable.

The value has the following meanings:

  • 0: run in series (not parallel).
  • 1: run in parallel using all cores.
  • greater than 1: run in parallel with this number of threads. If the environment variable is not set, this function returns -1.

This variable does not indicate which calculations are parallelized or how the parallelization is achieved. Moco may even ignore or override the setting from the environment variable. See documentation elsewhere (e.g., from a specific MocoSolver) for more information.

◆ solveBisection()

OSIMMOCO_API SimTK::Real OpenSim::solveBisection ( std::function< double(const double &)>  calcResidual,
double  left,
double  right,
const double &  tolerance = 1e-6,
int  maxIterations = 1000 

Solve for the root of a scalar function using the bisection method.

calcResiduala function that computes the error
leftlower bound on the root
rightupper bound on the root
toleranceconvergence requires that the bisection's "left" and "right" are less than tolerance apart.
maxIterationsabort after this many iterations.

◆ startsWith()

bool OpenSim::startsWith ( const std::string &  string,
const std::string &  start 