OpenSim Moco
This class is the bridge between CasOC::Problem and MocoProblemRep.
Inputs are CasADi types, which are converted to SimTK types to evaluate problem functions. Then, results are converted back into CasADi types.
#include <Moco/Moco/MocoCasADiSolver/MocoCasOCProblem.h>
Public Member Functions | |
MocoCasOCProblem (const MocoCasADiSolver &mocoCasADiSolver, const MocoProblemRep &mocoProblemRep, std::unique_ptr< ThreadsafeJar< const MocoProblemRep >> jar, std::string dynamicsMode) | |
int | getJarSize () const |
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template<typename IterateType = Iterate> | |
IterateType | createIterate () const |
Create an iterate with the variable names populated according to the variables added to this problem. More... | |
void | initialize (const std::string &finiteDiffScheme, std::shared_ptr< const std::vector< VariablesDM >> pointsForSparsityDetection) const |
int | getNumStates () const |
int | getNumControls () const |
int | getNumParameters () const |
int | getNumMultipliers () const |
std::string | getDynamicsMode () const |
bool | isDynamicsModeImplicit () const |
int | getNumDerivatives () const |
int | getNumSlacks () const |
int | getNumCoordinates () const |
This is the number of generalized coordinates, which may be greater than the number of generalized speeds. More... | |
int | getNumSpeeds () const |
int | getNumAccelerations () const |
int | getNumAuxiliaryStates () const |
int | getNumCosts () const |
bool | isPrescribedKinematics () const |
int | getNumMultibodyDynamicsEquations () const |
If the coordinates are prescribed, then the number of multibody dynamics equations is not the same as the number of speeds. More... | |
const std::vector< std::string > & | getAuxiliaryDerivativeNames () const |
int | getNumAuxiliaryResidualEquations () const |
int | getNumKinematicConstraintEquations () const |
std::vector< std::string > | createKinematicConstraintEquationNames () const |
Create a vector of names for scalar kinematic constraint equations. More... | |
int | getNumHolonomicConstraintEquations () const |
int | getNumNonHolonomicConstraintEquations () const |
int | getNumAccelerationConstraintEquations () const |
bool | getEnforceConstraintDerivatives () const |
const Bounds & | getKinematicConstraintBounds () const |
const Bounds & | getTimeInitialBounds () const |
const Bounds & | getTimeFinalBounds () const |
const std::vector< StateInfo > & | getStateInfos () const |
const std::vector< ControlInfo > & | getControlInfos () const |
const std::vector< MultiplierInfo > & | getMultiplierInfos () const |
const std::vector< SlackInfo > & | getSlackInfos () const |
const std::vector< ParameterInfo > & | getParameterInfos () const |
const std::vector< CostInfo > & | getCostInfos () const |
const std::vector< EndpointConstraintInfo > & | getEndpointConstraintInfos () const |
const std::vector< PathConstraintInfo > & | getPathConstraintInfos () const |
const casadi::Function & | getMultibodySystem () const |
Get a function to the full multibody system (i.e. More... | |
const casadi::Function & | getMultibodySystemIgnoringConstraints () const |
Get a function to the multibody system that does not compute kinematic constraint errors (if they exist). More... | |
const casadi::Function & | getVelocityCorrection () const |
Get a function to compute the velocity correction to qdot when enforcing kinematic constraints and their derivatives. More... | |
const casadi::Function & | getImplicitMultibodySystem () const |
const casadi::Function & | getImplicitMultibodySystemIgnoringConstraints () const |
void | intermediateCallback () const |
void | intermediateCallbackWithIterate (const CasOC::Iterate &it) const |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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void | setTimeBounds (Bounds initial, Bounds final) |
void | addState (std::string name, StateType type, Bounds bounds, Bounds initialBounds, Bounds finalBounds) |
Add a differential state. More... | |
void | addControl (std::string name, Bounds bounds, Bounds initialBounds, Bounds finalBounds) |
Add an algebraic variable/"state" to the problem. | |
void | addKinematicConstraint (std::string multName, Bounds multbounds, Bounds multInitialBounds, Bounds multFinalBounds, KinematicLevel kinLevel) |
void | addSlack (std::string name, Bounds bounds) |
Add a slack velocity correction variable to the problem associated with a kinematic constraint in the model. More... | |
void | setPrescribedKinematics (bool tf, int numMultibodyDynamicsEquations) |
Set if all kinematics are prescribed. More... | |
void | setEnforceConstraintDerivatives (bool tf) |
Set whether not constraint derivatives are to be enforced. | |
void | setKinematicConstraintBounds (Bounds bounds) |
Set the bounds for all kinematic constraints in the problem. | |
void | addParameter (std::string name, Bounds bounds) |
Add a constant (time-invariant) variable to the optimization problem. | |
void | addCost (std::string name, int numIntegrals, int numOutputs) |
Add a cost term to the problem. | |
void | addEndpointConstraint (std::string name, int numIntegrals, std::vector< Bounds > bounds) |
Add an endpoint constraint to the problem. | |
void | addPathConstraint (std::string name, std::vector< Bounds > bounds) |
The size of bounds must match the number of outputs in the function. More... | |
void | setDynamicsMode (std::string dynamicsMode) |
void | setAuxiliaryDerivativeNames (const std::vector< std::string > &names) |